Poems from Akshat Saraf

I hear it all day “He’s got potential,” they say But still, I am grey...   My plans have no seam, Each thought, idea, and dream, I’m great...
My boat was a part of a well-off fleet. The waters were calm and the air was sweet. I learned to see over the waters around, And later to...
When you’re a shy, awkward, wimpy nerd, It’s kind of hard to have your voice heard. To talk to women, I’d probably have to be drunk. When...
I know we haven’t talked, but I have to say this. I’m about to stop you from falling into an abyss In which lies poverty, obscurity, every...
I am omnibenevolent, with anyone I will mix, But if they do not want me around, I will avoid their cliques.   Make me warm and I will give...
